Tips To Help Increase Your Property’s Kerb-Side Appeal.


For those of us who own our own properties, it can be difficult keeping up maintenance of said property and making it stand out from the rest. We all want to put a little bit of our own personality into our homes but this is a lot easier said than done. Many homes nowadays are built on the same private estate and so one house looks exactly the same as the one beside it and the one across the road. You would be forgiven for putting the key in the wrong door of the house thinking that it is yours. As the owner of the property, we would like to make some changes but we don’t want to have to do anything that is going to break the bank and cause us to empty our wallets or purses.

There are a number of things that you can add to your property that will make it stand out from the rest like stained glass in your windows and doors. It is the one thing that will truly be different from your neighbours and it presents some much needed colour into any property. When many people think about stained-glass, they often think about churches or government properties but it isn’t out of place in a private home. The following are just some of the things that you can do to help increase your property’s kerb-side appeal.

  1. Change your curtains – As well as adding some stained glass to your windows, you can also change out your current curtains that have looked somewhat faded from the sun and from years of overuse. This is a very cost-effective way to change the whole look of the front and back of your home and because your windows are all the same size, you can move the curtains around depending on the deck or in the room involved.
  2. Add some plants & flowers – Your stained-glass window has brought some much needed colour to your property but you can add to that by incorporating some additional plants and flowers that will spread colour throughout the front and back garden. It might be a good idea to put them into parts and so this means that you can move them around according to your needs.

These are just two simple ideas that can completely transform how your property looks to both you and those passing by. It doesn’t hurt to make some small changes throughout your property so that in the event that you ever want to sell it, that it will be appealing to potential buyers.

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